7/24/24 Catfished

I know I haven’t written in a while and I really wanted to write something that was upbeat and positive. So along those lines I’m doing very well. I love my new car. I love my new kitten. Business is good. And my life is humming along. Enter Mike, software salesman who recently moved to Kansas City and lives in $1 million house. Boy he really had me going. But thankfully, it was only 24 …

7/10/24 Weightloss and Being Judged

Up until the age of 30 I weighed 120 pounds. From 30 til a couple years ago, I weighed anywhere between 180 and 240 pounds. And now I weigh 130 pounds. So I’ve been thin and I’ve been fat and I know what it’s like to be both. And, I have to tell you that it’s a very strange feeling to know that not only are you judged at 240, but you’re judged at 130! …

6/30/24 Statistics

Three out of four women do not come vaginally. 25% of men do not come from blowjobs. 50% of men have sensitive nipples and 50% do not. 95% of men like to have their balls pulled on! Intercourse last for an average of 5.4 minutes. Men’s prostate start to dry up around the age of 62. I don’t see many men over the age of 70 who ejaculate. At the time that a man’s prostate …

6/25/24 A Letter To My St. Louisans

Dear St. Louis Clients, I am always so happy to see you and spend time with you. And every time I come, I get to meet new, fun, generous men who are so good to me and so appreciative of me. I appreciate you also.  I’m looking forward to coming back every single month. And even though I had to charge my electric vehicle four times there and back, it was well worth it! Stay …

6/24/24 My Newer EV After One Week

I absolutely love my 2021 Mustang Mach E with the premium package, all wheel drive and extended battery. Kind of. I love everything about it, except for the fact that I had to charge it four times during my trip to and from St. Louis. The charges took anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. And I spent around $60 all told. Which is less than I used to spend on gas. And the thing …

Blogs for 6/18/24 (4)

6/18/24 Therapy So I got a therapist and I was really impressed by the fact that she was a clinical social worker and older than me. I gave her a list of things I wanted to talk about in therapy and after two sessions, she decides that all of my problems are because I’m an escort. And most of the things I wanted to talk about had nothing to do with the fact that I’m …

5/31/24 Website Down and Updates on ME!

Well, you may have noticed that my website was down for a couple days. I hated to have to do it, but I had no choice. Suffice to say that I can’t really talk about it in my blogs which is a first. I really don’t have a whole lot that I want to talk about right now in a blog so I thought I would just update everybody on what’s going on with me. …

5/19/24 Another Year Down

I often write about what I’m grateful for and I keep it in my phone so that I can refer back to it when I need to see it. As I turn another year older today, I am very cognizant of my gratitude for having lived another year. Life is so precarious and unpredictable. My mother is 93 this year so I figure I will at least live till 90. But then I see and …

5/10/24 A Real Turn Off

I don’t often write about individual clients because I don’t want anyone out there to get the idea that I’m going to write about them. But when someone comes along that demonstrates something to me that is blog-worthy, I feel compelled to write. I saw a man last night who really kind of violated my untold boundaries. And I say these were untold because, before he got here, he didn’t know that I had these …

Blogs for 5/4/24

5/4/24 Many Vids I am in the process of uploading all of my videos and pictures to Many Vids.  I should have it complete this week!  Many Vids has the same type of subscription service as Only Fans, but you can also buy videos from my store or inquire about a custom video.  I’m starting to get a lot of inquiries about this.  My ID on Many Vids is @olderprofessional. And here is a link: …

5/2/24 Pain Meds

I pinched a nerve in my neck.  My pain is shooting down my arm and causing pain. I would rate it an eight or nine on the scale. I went to see a doctor on Monday and she refused to give me any kind of pain medication. And then I saw my PCP yesterday who also refused to give me any pain medicine. At this point, after talking to several other people about this, I’m …

Blogs for 4/23/24

4/23/24 No More Only Fans Only fans has decided to delete my account because I have broken their terms of service. Now every time they told me, I broke their terms of service I made reparations and I thought I was OK. Until yesterday. I am working on getting my videos off of there , because I don’t have them saved anywhere else. I might try to get another account through someone else. I’m sure …

Blogs for 4/21/24

4/21/24 Girlfriend Experience have decided to add Specific Girlfriend Services.  GFE Services will include daily emails/texts, phone calls, meet for a drink, discounts on sessions and pictures/videos customized to you!  I will have a section on my Donations Page… 4/21/24 OMG St. Louis St. Louis never stops amazing me. Each time I go, I do better than the last time. Now, I did have three no-shows and one person threatened me, but other than that, …

4/21/24 St. Louis (YAY!) and More Gastric Bypass Thoughts

4/21/24 OMG St. Louis St. Louis never stops amazing me. Each time I go, I do better than the last time. Now, I did have three no-shows and one person threatened me, but other than that, this was the best trip I’ve ever had. I made more in two days than I make in a week and a half. But it’s not just about the money. It’s about seeing the same guys that I’ve seen …

4/18/24 St. Louis and BS

4/18/24 My New BS Meter I have begun to write down the number of times each day I deal with BS. Yesterday it was nine times. I’ve been telling clients that for every appointment that I set, I probably talk to seven other guys before them! They are either a scam or too young or too black and young or they just rub me the wrong way. Low Ballers, guys who don’t read my ad …

4/12/24 Trying to Read People

I am often asked what I like and don’t like about what I do. I’m sure I’ve written many blogs about this, but there’s one thing that I’ve never really talked about. And that’s how difficult it can be to read people and know how to respond to them. I have found that everyone who comes to see me has a different agenda. And trying to figure out what that agenda is without coming right …

4/6/24 The.Worst.Trip.Ever.

I went to Springfield this last weekend and it has never been this bad when I travel! I had 14 appointments scheduled and I ended up seeing 5 people. There were 3 no-shows and 6 cancellations. That is just ridiculous. The only saving grace is that I got a really good deal on a hotel room. I will never ever go back to Springfield again. My experience there was the exact opposite of Omaha. And …

4/1/24 I Am Not A Whore

I am not a whore. I am an escort. There is a huge difference. You may think it’s semantics, but it’s way more than that for me. When a man calls me a whore, he is completely demeaning my personhood, my humanity and my occupation. I am also not a prostitute. Both of the above aforementioned people walk the streets and do car dates. They are usually on drugs and must maintain their habit. This …

3/21/24 Living Too Long

My 93-year-old mother said to me today that she lived too long. She lived to see her son‘s death. And no mother should ever have to bury a child. Especially not a 69-year-old one. So, do you think there is an age at which you’ve lived too long? My sister had the audacity to ask my mother if she felt that she’d rather live or die because she didn’t think my mother really cared. Well, …

3/20/24 My Brother is Dying

Just found out that my brother is dying. He has been in the hospital for sepsis and he refuses to do anything that they ask him to do. Now his kidneys are failing and he probably has a month left. They’re sending him back to the nursing home with hospice. I plan to go there this weekend or next to say my final goodbyes. I’m very sad but my brother has lived a good life …

3/19/24 Service is Service

I don’t care what service industry you are in or work for, but I do know this. Every service industry is the same in that you are always trying to please the client. A lot of people don’t understand how an escort can remain emotionally detached, but all I’m really concerned with is making sure you are pleased when you leave. The goal of any service is to make you want to come back again. …

3/19/24 I Am Getting Better!

It used to be that if a man wasn’t satisfied his first time around with me, I would give him money back or offer him a free second session. Then I changed it back to offering half price second session. I am happy to say that I’m no longer offering that or money. I have come to realize that it’s not about me. I’m doing everything in my power to make sure you are satisfied …

Blogs for 3/17/24 (4!)

3/17/24 Love Thoughts I often think about what this world is all about. I’ve heard it said many times that the point to life is love. Being loved and giving love. This is why I talk about love so much in my blogs. It’s important to me. And if sometimes I sound a little desperate, it’s because sometimes I feel a little desperate. But then I get over myself and realize that even a life …

3/12/24 Say Goodbye

I am so sad to have to write that I have lost my favorite client, and a very good friend of mine. He has not died, but simply has decided to go back with his ex-wife. Which, in this case, might be a fate worse than death! We had a really special relationship in that he was my “favorite” client (and yes, I do have favorites), and we dated. Maybe not in the traditional sense …

3/6/24 No Free Lunch

They say that nothing is free in this world. But for almost 8 years, my blogs have been completely free to read. I am about to embark on publishing a book of my blogs. It does not behoove me to keep them out there for free when I’m going to be charging other people to read them. So with that in mind, I have decided to monetize my old blogs. My new blogs will continue …

3/6/24 A Good Head On My Shoulders!

A friend remarked to me the other day that I have a very good head on my shoulders. And I couldn’t agree more. I do have a good head for most things. But, boy oh boy, when it comes to love, I obviously do not. I mean how, after all, could I have been so snookered by a fucking alcoholic, who sold me a bill of goods and had me drinking from the trough? I …


His name is Diego, he’s 27 years old from Council Bluffs, Iowa and he gets a new burner app number every time he calls me to make an appointment. He has made five appointments with me in the last months and a half and every time he tells me that it’s actually Diego not who he said it was. So this means I have to cancel an hour appointment that I was expecting money for. …

2/28/24 Marty Blog #1

2/28/24 Marty Blog #1 ”Manhattan keeps on making it, Brooklyn keeps on taking it, Bronx keeps creatin’ it, and Queens keeps on fakin’ it ….”  The Bridge is Over Boogie Down Productions My name is Marty. I’m a 45-year-old so called Black man, born, raised and currently still residing within the confines of New York City. With the exception of travel, vacation and a few short stints spent living in the state of New Jersey, …

2/27/24 Marty!

Marty is a 45-year-old black man who lives in New York City and found me through my website. To say that we have become fast friends is quite the understatement. There is nothing I can’t talk to this man about. I’m sure the opposite is completely true also. He is simply amazing. He’s smart and hip and savvy as all can get out. And I dare say, he’s a better writer than I am, and …

2/25/24 Desperate

OK, maybe desperate is not the right word. But I definitely need more guys to make content with. My only fans is blowing up, but it’s only gonna blow up as long as I keep putting content out there. So if you’re 40 and under, and in fairly good shape, I would love to meet you and make content with you. No charge, just a lot of fun. You have to be registered on only …

2/22/24 I Deserve This!

Alex did one very important thing for me. He showed me that not only do I want more than what I have now, but that I deserve more than what I have now, in terms of a relationship. Now granted it did not work out, but here was this guy who I got along with, had amazing chemistry with and he accepted what I did. I want that again and I deserve that. I’ve lost …

2/13/24 Just a Thought

I’ve been publishing these psychological “hacks“ for a while now, because I find them fascinating. Maybe it’s because I have a background in something akin to psychology.  But I want to add one more psychological factoid to the ones I’ve already published. I believe when women like a man, they think about making love to them. But if a woman doesn’t like you, there’s no way in hell she is ever going to go there. …

Blogs for 2/12/24

2/12/24 Needing Some Help I just got a new bedframe that I need to put together and I can’t do it by myself. I’m offering an hour long session for helping me with my bedframe. I’d like to get this done soon so please contact me if you’re interested. 2/12/24 What are some psychology facts about love? If you’re close to anyone, when you read their texts, you can hear their voice in your head. …

2/10/24 Dating Dealbreakers

Bad teeth, no smile Grossly overweight Downright ugly Young kids that they have halftime Too many animals Alcoholic/workaholic Stupid or no education Overly silly Low paying job/bankruptcy Moving too slow or too fast Lives too far away Doesn’t have the same interests as me Ultra conservative Too short or too tall Is not tolerant of my job Allergic to cats No sense of humor

2/9/24 OMG Only Fans!

I am now placing ads in 25 metropolitan cities. My subscribers have tripled in the last month. My revenue stream has gone up tenfold since November. I’m looking at making $2000 this month passive income. I don’t think you can get much better than that, but I’m gonna try! I consider this my second job now. When I’m not busy with a client I am placing ads every 15 minutes. That’s the time that you …

Blogs (5) for 2/8/24

2/8/24 Alex Well, you might have noticed if you read my blogs regularly that I took all the blogs down about Alex. I did this because I didn’t want to put out that energy to the universe and I felt that they were depressing blogs that I didn’t really want anybody else reading. I have since found out that he does not want a relationship or a friendship with me. He has shown me this …

New Blogs for 2/7/24

2/7/24 71 Going On 61 If you have this preconceived notion that 71-year-olds are old people and look like old people, you would be sorely mistaken with this client that I had the other day. We laughed almost the entire time we were together. I was in rare form. Everything I said was funny. Like I said, rare form. But I digress. This man told me upfront that he was 61, but when I met …

2/6/24 More About Only Fans

I was looking up information on how much I should charge for my subscription, and I ran across this OnlyFans Price List Example: Content type Price Subscription $4 – $50 PPV  – Image $2 – $5 PPV  – Video $10 – $15 Custom Image $5 – $40 Custom Video $8 per minute Paid Messages $1 per message Feet Pic $5 – $7 Sexting $2 – $3 a minute Well, what I figured by looking at …

2/5/24 A Word About Taylor and Travis Baby

Yeah. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been waiting for me to write a blog about Taylor and Travis. My mother who is 93 calls Travis Kelce Travis Baby and Taylor Swift is Taylor Honey. As you well know, I have an opinion about most anything! And this subject is no different. I want to address the issue of whether these two will actually make it or not. I lean towards thinking that they …

2/2/24 The 40-year-old Who Couldn’t

I am always amazed by men who are above 30, who think they can have MSOG twice in a half hour!  I’ve maybe encountered 2 to 3 of these guys who were able to in eight years of doing this.  Most cannot. The last guy was no exception. I always say, before we start, if your first one is fast, we may be able to get a second one in. But if your first is …

2/2/24 Advice on Being Safe

The only cop that will ever bust you is an undercover police person, and they will never tell you if they are a cop or not. So there’s no reason to ask a provider if they are a cop. Never talk about sex on text. You can talk about money. But you cannot talk about sex and money. If you want to verify if a provider is a cop or not, ask her to show …

1/31/24 Sometimes I Simply Amaze Myself!

No doubt about it, not only am I smart, but I am a marketing genius!! I wrote in a blog earlier, that I was thinking of putting ads in other cities to advertise my Only Fans page (only fans.com/pcornett50).  Well I have now placed ads in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Portland, Minneapolis, Detroit, Chicago, New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Houston and Omaha, Nebraska. Now, you may be wondering why Omaha. …

Blogs for 1/28/24

1/28/24 I Blame Myself This is a blog about how I blame myself. I’m not sure why I do this, except that I know it is easier to forgive myself sometimes than it is to forgive the person who transgressed against me. And I’m not really one to get into the blame game. But in all actuality, I should be trying to forgive the other person, and not even blame myself. Now you may be …

1/26/24 Single Again

Well, I was definitely spot on when it came to my perceptions of how AA would be. It is hugely frowned upon to be in a relationship the first year, so my person is not my person anymore. At least not for right now and not for the next year. We’re going to try to stay friends so we’ll see how that goes. He’s going to be very busy with his sobriety and AA and …

Blogs for 1/22/24

1/22/24 DON’T TRUST THESE PEOPLE People who never accept their mistakes. People who don’t help you when you ask them. People who gossip with everyone. People who act differently around others. People who are never sorry about their rude behavior. People who tell you other people’s secrets. People who bad-mouth their ex. People who do bad to others to feel good themselves. People who become jealous of others’ success. People who’re always busy or stuck …

1/21/24 St. Louis

I have often written about St. Louis, but never in the glowing terms that I am going to write today. I absolutely had a wonderful time. I maintained a positive attitude the whole time. There was one night that I was really worn out and really sore and the best thing for me to do was just to get a good nights sleep. And it’s not like I didn’t have no-shows. But I had 22 …

1/19/24 Alex

Do you believe in second chances? I do. Maybe even third chances knowing that three times is a charm. But I digress. This blog is about Alex and what has transpired since my last blog about Alex. Shortly after I wrote that blog, he went to the hospital to detox. He feels that he does not have another detox in him and, as such, he is going into AA and has two sponsors already plus …

1/18/24 Encouraging Intimacy in your Post-menopausal Wife

You may think by title of this blog, that I’ve gone out of my freaking gourd, but trust me, you wanna hear what I have to say. Especially if you find yourself in the position as 80% of my clients can attest to. Your wife went through menopause and you no longer have sex at home. You’ve made the wise decision to find a provider who can meet your needs for intimacy in a safe …

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