7/10/24 Weightloss and Being Judged

Up until the age of 30 I weighed 120 pounds. From 30 til a couple years ago, I weighed anywhere between 180 and 240 pounds. And now I weigh 130 pounds. So I’ve been thin and I’ve been fat and I know what it’s like to be both. And, I have to tell you that it’s a very strange feeling to know that not only are you judged at 240, but you’re judged at 130! …

Blogs for 4/21/24

4/21/24 Girlfriend Experience have decided to add Specific Girlfriend Services.  GFE Services will include daily emails/texts, phone calls, meet for a drink, discounts on sessions and pictures/videos customized to you!  I will have a section on my Donations Page… 4/21/24 OMG St. Louis St. Louis never stops amazing me. Each time I go, I do better than the last time. Now, I did have three no-shows and one person threatened me, but other than that, …

4/21/24 St. Louis (YAY!) and More Gastric Bypass Thoughts

4/21/24 OMG St. Louis St. Louis never stops amazing me. Each time I go, I do better than the last time. Now, I did have three no-shows and one person threatened me, but other than that, this was the best trip I’ve ever had. I made more in two days than I make in a week and a half. But it’s not just about the money. It’s about seeing the same guys that I’ve seen …

Blogs (5) for 2/8/24

2/8/24 Alex Well, you might have noticed if you read my blogs regularly that I took all the blogs down about Alex. I did this because I didn’t want to put out that energy to the universe and I felt that they were depressing blogs that I didn’t really want anybody else reading. I have since found out that he does not want a relationship or a friendship with me. He has shown me this …

8/15/23 Gastric Bypass – 1 Year Later

I have lost 95 lbs and I’m sure I’ll go lower.  I have much more confidence in my looks and my ability to maneuver (I do a lot of that).  I feel proud that I have done this in one year!  An d all the kudos I”ve gotten on the way has been astounding.  Some of you have even become friends with me (not the married guys mind you) and I can see that I …

7/9/23 Gastric Bypass #10

I have lost 91 pounds and I only have 9 pounds to go to my initial goal.  Nothing fits (clothing-wise) and I still don’t have much appetite.  I think it’s caused by the medicine they put me on after I came off of Lithium.  It’s called Abilify and, at first, I wanted to eat everything in the house!  Now I’m going through the opposite effect.  I don’t want to eat.  I’m getting enough calories and …

12/19/22 Gastric Bypass #7

I have now lost 47 lbs.I have been working my upper arms and my thighs pretty much from the get-go. I noticed that I’m stronger in both my arms and my legs. I’m not doing anything for my abdomen as that will get a tummy tuck . I have a C-section tummy, which means that you really can’t tone it up. I’m finally used to what I can eat and, to tell you the truth, …

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