I have now lost 47 lbs.I have been working my upper arms and my thighs pretty much from the get-go. I noticed that I’m stronger in both my arms and my legs. I’m not doing anything for my abdomen as that will get a tummy tuck . I have a C-section tummy, which means that you really can’t tone it up. I’m finally used to what I can eat and, to tell you the truth, I could eat better or more keto. But, I figure if I’m eating 600 cal a day, I’m going to lose weight. Doesn’t matter really what I eat. I’ve been off sugar since before I had the operation and that’s going well. I should be walking, but in this weather, there ain’t no way! I’m happy with my body and I’m used to how I have to eat and what I can and can’t eat. Would I do it again? Definitely not with the company I did it with. They never followed up with me after the surgery whatsoever. They did a good operation and that’s that. Most of my education has come from trial and error. And you really should come and see the new me!