6/25/24 A Letter To My St. Louisans

Dear St. Louis Clients, I am always so happy to see you and spend time with you. And every time I come, I get to meet new, fun, generous men who are so good to me and so appreciative of me. I appreciate you also.  I’m looking forward to coming back every single month. And even though I had to charge my electric vehicle four times there and back, it was well worth it! Stay …

Blogs for 4/21/24

4/21/24 Girlfriend Experience have decided to add Specific Girlfriend Services.  GFE Services will include daily emails/texts, phone calls, meet for a drink, discounts on sessions and pictures/videos customized to you!  I will have a section on my Donations Page… 4/21/24 OMG St. Louis St. Louis never stops amazing me. Each time I go, I do better than the last time. Now, I did have three no-shows and one person threatened me, but other than that, …

4/18/24 St. Louis and BS

4/18/24 My New BS Meter I have begun to write down the number of times each day I deal with BS. Yesterday it was nine times. I’ve been telling clients that for every appointment that I set, I probably talk to seven other guys before them! They are either a scam or too young or too black and young or they just rub me the wrong way. Low Ballers, guys who don’t read my ad …

4/6/24 The.Worst.Trip.Ever.

I went to Springfield this last weekend and it has never been this bad when I travel! I had 14 appointments scheduled and I ended up seeing 5 people. There were 3 no-shows and 6 cancellations. That is just ridiculous. The only saving grace is that I got a really good deal on a hotel room. I will never ever go back to Springfield again. My experience there was the exact opposite of Omaha. And …

Blogs for 3/17/24 (4!)

3/17/24 Love Thoughts I often think about what this world is all about. I’ve heard it said many times that the point to life is love. Being loved and giving love. This is why I talk about love so much in my blogs. It’s important to me. And if sometimes I sound a little desperate, it’s because sometimes I feel a little desperate. But then I get over myself and realize that even a life …

1/21/24 St. Louis

I have often written about St. Louis, but never in the glowing terms that I am going to write today. I absolutely had a wonderful time. I maintained a positive attitude the whole time. There was one night that I was really worn out and really sore and the best thing for me to do was just to get a good nights sleep. And it’s not like I didn’t have no-shows. But I had 22 …

St. Louis, dating and marijuana.

11/16/23. St. Louis was very good to me! I think I was Miss Popularity this past weekend in St. Louis. I had one no-show, which is unheard of, and too many appointments to list on here. I tend to be a very low volume provider in Kansas City, but in St. Louis, I kind of have to pack them in. I’m only there for two days and then I go see my mother. And this …

7/26/23 St. Louis is once again, so Good To Me!

I went to St. Louis, the 21st through the 24th and did very well, plus I got to see my 92-year-old mother and older sisters.  Then, I saw more men in 2 days than I see in a week here!  Makes ya wonder why I don’t move home.  For two or three very good reasons!  For one, it costs a lot more to live there than where I’m at.  Secondly, my family kind of drives …

Blogs for 6/15/23

  6/15/23 NEW POLICY From now on, if you give me $200 or more, I will ask you to show how much you gave me.  I went to an Outcall at the Hilton and this multi-millionaire gave me $100 and he knew my rates! 6/15/23 A Letter To My Younger Son Dear Josh, I’m sorry that you have to call me a whore. And I’m sorry that I lied to you for so long, but …

Blogs for 6/14/23

6/14/23 Best Travelling Trip Ever! I went to St. Louis this past weekend and had very few No Shows, lots of nice generous men, and a great time sitting out by the pool with my sisters.  Got my Imo’s fix and I’m happy to be home. $2000 in 2 full days.  Not too shabby.  I’m seriously thinking of going once a month! 6/14/23 Gastric Bypass #9 I am now down to 156.  None of my …

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