8/5/24 All The Bullshit!

I just realized that sometimes I really hate this business. Which is not to say that I don’t love what I do because I do. But boy do I hate all the bullshit that goes with it.

All the guys that call and text and haven’t read my ad so they’re too young or inappropriate and I won’t see them.

All the times that someone makes an appointment and doesn’t show and doesn’t call or text to let me know that they can’t come. How hard is it to text somebody and say I’m sorry I have to cancel?

For all the spam texts that I get. I believe I get more spam because of my ads in this business.

All the guys who short me. I think from now on, I’m gonna count my money in front of them. That’s just utter bullshit. They know they’re shorting me because I asked for my donation and I state what that donation is when I ask for it.

All the guys who want me to do things that prostitutes do, like car dates. I will never do a car date.

All the guys that want me to come to their house and their house is disgusting when I get there. I no longer will go to people’s houses unless they tell me they’re perfectly clean. And even then I don’t really want to do out calls to residences.

For all the times that someone said hi and nothing else. I’m starting to think that these are escorts trying to see if I’m busy! Probably not but you never know.

I remember being a social worker and there was a lot of bullshit in that job too. I guess there’s bullshit everywhere. Today I got a call from someone asking about my sex ad and saying that I could still be saved. I think I’ll end with that.

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