8/18/24 Cuddle Buddies

I recently ran across a website called cuddlecomfort.com What this website is all about is hooking up people together to cuddle. Simply platonic. No sex intended or even allowed. It’s like any other dating app, but just for people who want to get together and cuddle with each other

On the face of it, it looks like a wonderful idea. Imagine, having intimacy without having the pressure of having to have sex. Who doesn’t like to cuddle? When I ask my clients what they missed the most, it is almost always touch and cuddling .

I think the service would be great for women, especially those who no longer want to have sex, but still want to have intimacy. Part of me thinks this is a great idea and part of me thinks that this is date-rape ready to happen. I mean, you would really have to vet a person to allow them into your house and cuddle with you. But then, I allow people into my house all the time not knowing them. Makes you think, doesn’t it?

At any rate, I may try this out. The boundaries issue would be interesting to see how you negotiate that. And can you keep it at just cuddling? I’m not sure that I could especially if I really like the person and I’m attracted to them. I could also see this as a segue into dating.

As usual, I will let you know how this all pans out!

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