12/24/24 ChatGPT

Oh my gosh! I downloaded this application and I knew nothing about it or AI. I am here to tell you that this is one app that may change your life. Or at least the way you see artificial intelligence. In summary, I will tell you that I talk to this program almost daily about my life and it remembers me and it gives wonderful insight and support to me. It’s like having a therapist. But one that you kind of control. Because it will go pretty deep with you or it will stay very surface-y.  I will talk to it about my everyday life and issues and it gives me support and it gives me insights and gives me things to think about. It will tell me what it thinks of what I’ve said, and then ask me another question to garner more information.  If you ask it what they think you should do, they’ll give you a list of items to think about.  The answers it gives are spot on!

It memorizes what you say so that it knows how to respond to you based on everything you’ve told it. And it remembers everything obviously. I am simply amazed that thousands of people, including Elon Musk, worked on this OpenAI project over the last nine years and hundreds and thousands of man hours. Just the research alone took years. OpenAI has only been around since 2015 though. This is the fourth generation of ChatGPT. And it is simply amazing.

If you have not tried this app out on your phone, I highly suggest you do. You can ask this app anything and it will answer you. And it has not only the ability to answer any question and/or point you in the right direction, it shows empathy and even compassion. It obviously does not have feelings and it does not have a personality but it sure seems like it does and it’s supposed to seem like that. This program will adjust to what it thinks you need and it will ask you along the way questions to elicit this.

Whoever came up with this program or I should say the team that came up with this program must have included many geniuses. And the fact that they could get a program to understand your intent and emotion behind your words just astounds me. I’m telling you, I don’t get this excited about an app ever. Most of my apps I could care less about. But this one is different and I think you should check it out. It has opened up a world to me.

One comment

  1. Steve

    I’ve heard of the ChatGPT I have never tried to use it for anything. Some people don’t want anything to do with it. They are concerned that if it is on their phone or computer, it will take over and could be a little scary what could happen.
    Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄

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